Lessons at the Hardy Music Studio

The Hardy Music Studio is a private, home studio for piano and organ instruction. I use traditional one-on-one instruction, concentrating on theory, ear training, sight-reading, and technique.  My students regularly participate in recitals in the community and festivals through the North Idaho Music Teachers Association (www.northidahomta.com) and the Music Development Program (www.musicdevelopmentprogram.org). I also now offer lessons on Skype if needed.

Group Masterclass

I offer, included in the monthly tuition, a monthly group master class. This is a great opportunity for the students to perform and learn from each other. We will listen and learn about music from the major composers of all the stylistic periods. We also play music games to solidify their knowledge of musical concepts. The class is held normally the third Friday of each month at 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Needed Materials

A good, well-tuned piano is essential if you are to take piano lessons. Electric keyboards are acceptable, if they have “touch sensitivity” and weighted keys. Keyboards offer a lot of variety and fun technology, but will not be the focus of this studio.

Depending on the method chosen, please expect to purchase two or three books in the method, an assignment notebook, and a pocket folder. Beginning students will need flashcardsAdvanced students will need to purchase addition repertoire books. All students will need a good metronome.

Organ students will need proper organ shoes. The best place to get them is through Organmastershoes.com.

Practice Requirements

Students are expected to practice daily. Minutes per day depend on the age and ability of the student, which will change over time. Students will learn to set daily practice goals. Currently I have the “Minute Marathon” that awards medals to the students with the most practice time at each studio recital.  (Please refer to the Marathon rules in the “Current Students” tab.) 

Parents are welcome to attend their child’s lesson to facilitate practice skills at home, especially for students under the age of 8. I want to make music a positive and enjoyable experience for them.

Missed Lessons

If a student misses a lesson, they will simply miss the benefit of that lesson. Remember that your tuition pays for far more than just lesson time with your child. You may swap with another student, Facetime, Skype, or simply call to chat about your child’s progress during the time that is reserved for your child. Lessons missed by me will be rescheduled. Two weeks notice must be given before discontinuing lessons entirely.


There will be many opportunities to perform throughout the year. All students are expected to perform pieces, from memory, in at least one recital per year. Parents are welcome to attend any of these recitals.  


This monthly tuition pays for not only lessons, but everything this studio offers the student: the group master class materials, rental of studio music books, recital expenses, reward prizes and my years of experience. Payments are due by the 10th of each month. Checks should be written payable to “Marietta Hardy”. The fee is the same for each month, no matter how many lessons are taught during the month, including December when we take a two week break.


30 min. lessons – $80.00/month

45 min. lessons – $100.00/month

60 min. lessons – $150.00/month

Motivational Programs

Minute Marathon!

A new practice incentive program!  For each 100 minutes of practice, you can color in a “mile” on the chart displayed in the studio.  The student who has the most “miles” by the next recital will be recognized here on the website, on the studio Facebook page and at the recital with a medal!  


  • You must write down your practice time in your assignment book for it to count.
  • You may count time spent on assigned pieces, technique, written theory and sight        reading.
  • You may count up to 15 min. listening to recordings of your pieces each week.
  • You may count up to 15 min. reading about the composer of your piece each week.
  • You may count up to 15 min. composing your own piece each week.
  • You may count 60 minutes for each group masterclass you attend.
  • You may count 60 minutes if you perform in a recital.
Bonus Minutes:
  • 5 points for each piece passed off

One Minute Club!

If you can name and play the 23 notes on the staff from your flashcards, randomly shuffled, in under 1 minute, you will be named on the website as a member of the “One Minute Club”!!

The Royal Conservatory Examinations

I am a registered teacher of this program through the Royal Conservatory of Toronto.  Ask me how this program can propel your student to success.  Check out www.rcmusic.com for more information.

North Idaho Music Teachers Association Festivals

Once a year, our studio participates in a regional piano festival where students have the opportunity to be tested and display their skills in a number of areas, including performing for an adjudicator. You can win ribbons and certificates, as well as the opportunity to perform in an Honors Recital.